Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Videos entitled "How to Get Your Kid Into Harvard"? Not!

Having a bit of a hard time getting this post going this week, lots of stuff going on. I have many different questions on a range of topics sitting in front of me and well, I'm feeling indecisive, dare I say "unmotivated". I think I will rip a page out out my son's recent work habits, "book" and take the easiest way out.

Before this weeks post:

apple seeds
10 west 25th st ny, ny 10010

On November 7th, 10:00AM-12:30PM apple seeds, will have me as a guest at their facilities! Parents can come on down and ask any question about their kids and their education, face to face with me, Ask the Educator!

apple seeds is an award winning, beautiful enrichment facility and play space. Check out their boutique and super classes! appleseeds

So, rather then answer the question of the week, I will make some short statements about the Baby Einstein , class action suit. You can read the article, here.

First, did they consider that using these videos in moderation (one video a day) has given countless tired, sleepless and overwhelmed parents a much needed break for a half an hour? I looked forward to my showers, preparing bottles and even resting when I popped in the video for my children!

Second, are parents that naive to think these videos would actually make their babies smarter?

Finally, watching TV or videos is not the enemy as some pediatricians and parents see it. In fact, if used correctly it can even become an extremely valuable tool. But I'll answer how, on another post!

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