Thursday, March 19, 2009

College-bound 3 year old?

I would love to play some educational word games with my 3 year old daughter but I don't know any. Can you suggest some?
What a great question! When I would take my oldest son to daycare on the bus, we often had a lot of down time together. Doing the regular NYC schlepp left us both zoned out and the travel time seemed wasted until I realized that some of this time could be used to make a connection and even be educational. I also noticed at the end of the day after the television goes off, right before dinner and right about when my kids are about to annoy each other, games come in very handy. "I Spy" is a great traditional game that can be played anywhere. I like to call games like this "parent glue", a way to connect with your kids. Below are a few more ideas. Do them on your way to school, waiting at the doctors office, or anywhere when you have just a few extra minutes. You can start modeling these as early as age 2 for some children but age three is perfect!

Sensory Bag: I love doing this one right as I am making dinner and PBS kids has just been turned off! It's great way to work on descriptive language! Put one item in a small brown paper lunch bag without your kids seeing. For example: beans, pasta, legos, a small stuffed animal, scrunched up tinfoil or any unusual object. Tell them to reach into the bag and feel around without pulling the object(s) out and to describe what they feel. If your kids have trouble prompt them. Is it hard or soft?, big or small?, crunchy?, smooth? squishy?, Is it something you can eat?, etc. kids will love choosing objects to put in the bag for you to guess too.

I'm thinking of an animal...You begin by using descriptive language to give hints about an animal. For example: "I'm thinking of animal that has 4 legs, it is usually grey, it is very large, it makes a loud horn like sound, it has a large trunk." When your child guesses the animal it is their turn. It takes some time for them to master their descriptions but give it time and keep it fun! You can help by asking for details that children might leave out, like "where does this animal live?" As your child gets older the animals can become more exotic. If you haven't guessed already my animal was an elephant.

What Doesn't Fit?
This is a super game to get children classifying, a very important skill. Name four different items for your child, 3 that go together and 1 that does not fit ex, pen, pencil, crayon, ice cream and then ask "what doesn't fit? In this case ice cream does not fit and then ask your child "why?". All the other items you use to write or draw with. The first few times you do this make the examples familiar and simple putting the item that does not fit first or last. Over time examples can get more sophisticated ex, guitar, cello, flute, violin. While all are instruments, all except the flute have strings.

Choose a letter and have each member playing the game name objects that they see around them beginning with that letter.

I hope your family has as much playing as mine does!

1 comment:

  1. We have a game that my 5-year old loves to play "I'm thinking of a word..." where we say something "I'm thinking of a word that begins with the letter C and it's a thing you ride with horses" and then the person guesses. It's a simple game, but it definitely passes the time in the car!
