Thursday, July 18, 2013

Summer Homework Battles

Okay, so not only did I not keep up with my once a week posts- I'm taking the easy way out this week- recycling an old post (well kind of).  This is not to say that I have not been blogging.  In fact, in a few weeks my very good friend, Janet R., will have me as a guest blogger on her blog: Growing Empathy

She really inspires me and I hope one day to be as consistent with my posts as she is!

This post deals with something that many of us parents struggle with over the Summer, getting our children to keep up with their academic subjects.  I am quoted in the article "Summer Homework Battles"  that was written years ago by Louise Tullien, and it has been picked up by almost every news website across the country!    I am posting it here because it remains relevant, even in my very own home, where I deal with one very resistant child when it comes to getting the work done- and that is all year long!  It is challenging but I find when I give some latitude and push myself to try different approaches it can pay off. 

I know that there has been a debate on why summer homework has to be given.  I agree that with the push for the  Common Core State Standards,  and the stressful atmosphere that schools seem to be functioning under, the summer for most children and parents provides a welcome relief.   Keep in mind that a little can go a long way and children can lose a lot of ground in just a few weeks.  Starting early on in the summer can create a "skip and scatter" type of schedule, rather than cramming it all in at the end.

Finally, look for educational opportunities in non-traditional ways. Here are some ideas:

  •  Teach your child to read and understand a subway map
  •  Have your child conduct an experiment
  •  Make a movie with an original script 
  • Help your child find an interesting blog to follow or start blogging themselves 
  • Have your kids shop and/or pay at the store themselves 
Having your children participate in activities like these allows them to take ownership of their learning and in many cases provides them with opportunities they did not have before!

The original article appears on the website: Your Family Today.   Read the article:  "Summer Homework Battles"

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